話しながら、集まったスタッフは全員ラジオ業界を離れていることに気づきました。もちろん、ずっとラジオ業界で仕事をしている他の仲間もいますが、もしかするとそんなに持続可能ではない働き方、条件なのでは? とも思ってしまいました。
I went out yesterday for the first time in a long time. It was a gathering with radio people.
I had three different radio shows over the years. All are the shows Jon Kabira's, and I worked with different staff for each show. Last night was the people of my early radio days.
As talking, I realized all the staff there had left the radio industry. Of course there is other staff still working in the radio industry but maybe the radio industry in Japan is not that sustainable for ones to work.
Everyone works hard in the place where they are. I am so happy to have them to talk about those days.