数日前から、報道番組の撮影をしています。昨日は山の中にある集落に行ったので、遠かったです! 自分で車を運転しながら、行きも帰りも酔ってしまいました。
I started to film for a project a few days ago. It's for a news show. We went to a village deep in the mountain and it was so far! I had a motion sickness as driving myself.
The closest supermarket they use is 90 minutes away one way. They have beautiful nature and tasty water from the mountain. It's a great place. But it makes sense that young people don't return because there is no job for them.
There are many places like this in Japan.
There is still a long way to go. I'd like to try to sleep as much as possible to make it work.