
真実/ The Truth (La vérité)



 母でもあるわたしにとって印象的だったのは、大女優のファビエンヌを許さないと言ったリミュールが、最後に許してしまいそう、と言いながら自分の頭を母親に委ねるシーン。今はそういうことをさせてくれている娘二人ですが、何歳になってもやらせてくれるのかな? なんてことを、映画を観ながら思ってしまいました。今回も、余韻の残る是枝作品でした。大満足。

I went to see "The Truth" directed by KORE-EDA Hirokazu. It's about everyday life as usual. Nothing too spectacular happens but you cannot take your eyes off from those days. The family portrait in the movie, in a sense, is normal though it's very unique. It may be not exactly correct to use the word, but it was reassuring to watch. I've been reading SEO Maiko's books and it gives me the same kind of feeling as I read her books.

One of the most impressive scenes for me, as a mother, was when Lumbar puts her head on her mothe r Fabienne's shoulder. My two daughters do it with me, but just wondered if they will still be doing it when they are as old. It left a pretty nice feeling this time too. I am glad I went to see.