わたしが高松さんに連絡を取ったのは、2015年の年末のこと。New York Timesの記事のためです。もともと、日本語でも英語でも、高松さんのことはすでに報じられていました。仙台を拠点に展開七十七銀行女川支店で働いていた人々が、勤務していた建物のすぐ真裏に町指定の高台避難所があるにも関わらず、地震のあと屋上で待機するように命じられ、結果、津波にさらわれほとんどの命が失われました。高松さんの妻、祐子さんはそのお一人です。
There is someone I had wanted to see again; Yasuo Takamatsu. He is the one having looked for his missing wife in tsunamis in Onagawa, Miyagi, when 311 hit.
It was the end of 2015 when I contacted him for a possible story of New York Times. There had been some stories about him reported both in Japanese and English by then. The people working at the local bank, The 77 Bank, in Onagawa. Although they had the town designated evacuation spot on a hill right behind their building, the manager told the workers to evacuate on the roof of the building, resulting tsunamis took most of their lives. Yasuo's wife Yuko was one of them.
Besides Takamatsu-san, I talked to the two pairs of parents; Mr. and Mrs. Tamura and Mr. and Mrs. Narita. Tamura-san lost their son Kenta, working at the same bank as Yuko, and Narita-san lost their daughter Emi, who went missing in Ishinomaki. The two mothers had the same resentment feeling that they were sorry they couldn't save their children while they survived. Of course it wasn't their fault but it may be the feeling parents would always have. They had tears as talking and Jennifer Percy wrote a beautiful piece about them.
I am very glad I was able to see Takamatsu-san this time. He told me he now had a grandson. Lives pass on. I hope I will see all of them next time.