映画『鬼滅の刃』の快進撃は凄いようですね。我が家も、映画を観に行きたいと子どもが言っています。そのうち行くつもりですが、映画版は漫画やアニメで背景が分かっていること前提の話なので、わたしはついていけるかな? とちょっと心配。
"Demon Slayer" was out last weekend and it's been doing quite well it seems. Our children also want to go see it, and I will take them sometime. The movie has the assumption that viewers understand the background of the story from manga comics or anime, so I wonder if I will be able to follow the story to be honest.
Under the situation we have now, the entertainment industry has been really suffering. You have one seat empty when sitting in theater. I am so glad the movie many want to go see was out in this situation. I am sure there are many watching it with their family.