ともかく、わたしに筋膜リリースという体づくりを教えてくれたKさんに久々に連絡。ユミコアを続けている? と訊いたところ、彼女はちゃんと続けているとのこと。そして去年と今年の体の変化を写真で送ってくれたのですが、一目瞭然の違いでした! 右肩が上がっていたのがかなり均等になり、くびれも大きく、お尻もキュッと上がっていました。
I contacted one of the people who took the same diet program. It's been nearly two years ago since I texted her. She is actually the one who told me about Yumicore Studio specifying myofascial release training program.
I had a hard time understanding what they taught in a big group and eventually met a personal trainer who knew the method.
So I asked her if she was still going to the same studio. She said yes, and sent me two pictures from last and this year. And yes, there was a very clear difference! Her right shoulder that was higher than the other side was nearly equal, and got bigger nice curves, and her buttocks toned up.
I wouldn't call us friends, but she is one of my buddies with a same type of goal wishing to have a better, healthier body. And how nice it is to have someone liker her. I told her I'd send her a picture after the next training. She was saying she had been a bit lazy in October but now got motivated since I contacted her, so she would send me another picture in a month. Till then, we will take care of our bodies.