
暖かい日々/Warm Days

 このところ、暖かいですね! 今朝も古巣のラジオ番組を聴いていたところ、この暖かさは日曜まで続くということ。コロナ感染者がまたこのところ増え続けているので、お出かけは控えるのがいいような様子ですが、暖かい秋の日差しをなんとか感じたいですね。そのあとはまた寒くなるようなので、この天気を楽しみたいと思います。


It's been warm! As listening to the radio show I used to work at, this temperature stays till Sunday. It looks like we are not encouraged to go out since the number of COVID infections is soaring up, but I really hope to enjoy the sunshine before it goes back to cold days.

I will go to my physical training at Keiko Sensei's on one of the three days this weekend. Since I haven't had filming, it's easy for me to book her lessons. I would skip going there for three months when I was busy but now I go there twice a month. I can tell my sense of body has improved. My back was too hard and I didn't feel anything with my back, but now especially around my shoulder blades I can feel the sense. The lower part is still dull in a feeling so will try to continue stretching.