わたしはまだまだ骨を正しい位置に戻す途中なので、大した筋トレをする段階にはありません。自分でやるのはせいぜいスクワット(これもようやく最近許可が出ました)くらいです。先日なんて、優ちゃん腹筋やってないよね!? と念押しされちゃいました。腹筋してアウターを強くしたらインナーマッスルが作れないので。
I look like I have gained more muscles around my shoulders. It's, in fact, due to myofascial release workout that has been putting my bones in right positions. My trainer Keiko sensei says that happens to everyone.
I am still in the middle of the path of bone alignment, so not at the phase of much muscle workout. I squat by myself and that's all without my trainer, which she recently gave me permission. She even asked me to make sure if I didn't do sit-ups. If doing, I would strengthen outer muscles when I want to have inner muscles.
Without enduring workout, I look more masculine. That's one of the reasons I like to do myofascial release exercise.