わたしの場合はこのシミはレーザー治療をしても薄くなるだけだし、また数年後にはくっきりと出てくる、というのはわかっていたので、それより何か別のアプローチもないだろうか? と、一年以上考えていた、「美容皮膚科に相談」をすることをついに実行しました。
The aging facial spots had been bothering me for the last few years. I had a laser treatment more than a decade ago but that spot appeared again as some years passed.
I knew the spot was going to come back in a few years even if I got a laser treatment and wanted to seek other approaches for a year by visiting a cosmetic dermatologist, and I finally went to the doctor the other day!
First we were checking the sizes and number of facial spots. The biggest one was a spot of 15mm on the left. I had several spots on the right cheek. If I wanted to cover the whole face, it'd be photofacial treatment for the whole face, the therapist told.
I was originally thinking to get shots for only the spots but it'd have been more than 30,000yen so she suggested to get a whole facial treatment, which would be lower power but costed around 15,000yen along with pills and lotion. She was like "if we had a laser at this clinic, I would say try it, but photofacial machines are weaker than laser, which cuts in your skin. So with the photofacial machine, your spots will not go away completely but lighter. And you can take some vitamin pills and use good lotion."