さて、今週からはTHRIVEの新クラスが始まります。そちらも楽しみです! 生徒さんのお一人は、わたしと同じように産後太り&40歳を過ぎての体重増加に悩まれる方。お気持ちがとてもわかるので、体験をシェアできるのではないかなと思います。新しいプリンターも設定済みで、準備はどんどん整っています。
The current project's filming is over. We went to Osaka for one day and we filmed the rest in Tokyo. The filming days were not consecutive so I had time to go to they gym so it didn't make me have a stiff body during filming.
I needed to really focus to find contributors when researching and there were days I was exhausted, but in the hindsight, I did my best. Everyone I worked with this time was new people so it was fruitful in the term of meeting new staff.
A THRIVE's new season is starting this week too, which I look forward to it very much. One of the students is experiencing weight gain after giving births and after she turned 40. I know how she must feel and think I can share my own experience too. My new printer is set now, so I am ready!