The May classes started. Originally my friend M was going to take the classes and her friend another M was interested so she joined too. I made semi-private classes for them this time.
I had always done one-on-one classes online, but since they have known each other for a long time and don't hesitate to talk about the other even online, so it felt going smooth after the first class.
They both have really positive vibes and laugh and smile a lot, so I have a feeling it will be a very nice team for two months.
The M introduced by my friend gained 20kg during her first pregnancy and after she reached 40, she added some more kilograms and now she is about 10kg heavier than before she was pregnant.
It was me. I had the exactly same issue. They have already had a step forward to successful diet since they decided to change, so all I need to do it to walk together.