そこ! 今年の1月から呼吸をとにかく練習しているわたしも、同じことをKeiko先生に言われています。鼻で呼吸すること。腹式呼吸をして、腹部に圧を入れること。背中に息を入れること。肋骨の開閉範囲を広くするようにするには、これしかないそうです。肋骨は、ボールやポールに乗ってほぐすことができませんから。乗ってしまうと肋骨は折れちゃいますからね。
As I am listening to the radio, the guest, Total Workout director and a personal trainer herself, was talking about the only way to stretch bowels is abdominal respiration.
That is it! I've been told by my trainer Keiko since this January since my goal this year is to breath properly. I am told to breathe with nose. Do abdominal respirations so that I can push my abs with air. Let air go in my back. She tells me this is the only way to open the ribs more widely since you cannot stretch your ribs with a ball or pole, otherwise, your ribs would break.
Ms Ikezawa says the key to lose weight is 90% what to eat. That's what I did too. You can think about exercising after you lose weight. What you need to do is to eat properly and lose weight as you maintain muscles!