
怒涛の数日間/Hectic Days


 急な制作案件が入り、よくぞ数日間でここまで詰めたと思うような企画でした。同じ会社ですが日本側には営業が、制作にはシンガポールが入っている企画で、おそらく営業の人だけでは実際の撮影で何が必要になるかがよくわからないのでわたしに声がかかったというわけですが、それにしても、、、細かく見てみると、ここにもここにも話は通したの? というような部分が出てきて、途中焦りましたが、日本に制作チームがなかったからなんですね。とはいえ、それならもう少し早めに話をくれれば、、、という思いも。笑



I've had a few hectic days.

A sudden production work came in, and I am impressed by myself how I managed to make things clear for a few days. Though it's for one company, the sales division in Tokyo takes care of it while their creative team is based in Singapore. And since the guy at sales doesn't know what is required for filming, I was called in. I was a bit surprised why their creative team didn't take care of some things but makes sense it happens because they are not in Japan. I just wish they had called me in earlier!

Thank god that they got permission for every location. It was crazy that they didn't set up any times for different locations a week ago, though.

But everything will be my experience. Tomorrow is filming. Weather looks bad unfortunately. Crossing my fingers.