こういうふうに感じるのは、去年の秋くらいかも? 自分の姿勢が劇的に変わった頃から、人のことも見られるようになってきたという感じ。まだまだ勉強することはありますが、興味のあることなので楽しいです。
I mat some people yesterday for filming. Since it was filming, I paid attention to that, but whenever realizing, I would look at their postures.
This person has a stoop, that person's face goes forward, this person positions her head right... But that was only one person who looked quite well. The rest of people were either just okay or quite bad. Posture is important!
I think I started to see these things last fall. That was when my own posture changed drastically. Then I started to be able to look at other people. There is still so much to learn, but this is what interests me so it's fun.