04:30 起床、習慣の鏡拭き
05:00 好きなことを行う(動画、音楽、読書など)
06:00 家族起床、家事
08:00 カフェにて新聞
09:00 カフェにて集中仕事
11:30 午前の仕事終了
12:30 昼食
13:30 ジムまたはそこまで集中する必要がない作業
18:00 夕食
21:00 就寝
Here is my best routine.
04:30 Wake up, clean the mirror
05:00 Do anything to like (video, music, read, eat)
06:00 Run household errands while family gets up
08:00 Read newspaper at a cafe
09:00 Work on something that needs deep concentration at a cafe
11:30 Done with morning work
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Go to gym or run light work related errands
18:00 Dinner
21:00 Go to bed
When I am busy, I cannot do the routines but this is so far my best schedule.