
思考と身体/Thoughts And Bodies


 ダイエット中に、そういうものを控えるとどうなるか? それは、その分だけ痩せますよね。毎日お酒を飲んでいた人が週3にすれば、週3回分控えた分だけ痩せます。でも、お酒を飲む習慣がまだ染みついたままダイエットを終了すると、それはリバウンドするでしょう。



This is something brought up during the class. One's body is made with something she likes. If you like to drink, your body is designed by alcohol. If carbohydrates, you are made with them. 

If you cut what you like to have, of course you lose weight for that much. If someone who used to drink everyday drinks three times a week, she loses weight for the three times a week amount. But if your thought still clings to drinking habit, you would regain weight. 

I say THRIVE has a method of not regaining weight, but if you are still influenced by the old habits that used to make you gain weight, of course you regain weight. The key is how much you left the old habits with your will.

You can cut back the amount and frequency of your old habits, or exercise, choose to act to gain muscles. There are different ways. There is no silver bullet. Your body reflects your thoughts (=thoughts that determine your acts) so how to opt your acts plays important for your future.