さて、今いる喫茶店で、隣の女性が電話が切れないと店員さんに切り方を訊いていました。相手は終わったと思って通話を終わらせなかったようで、雑音だけが聞こえる状態。スピーカーにしているのでその音が丸聞こえ。笑 若い店員さんの助けを借りて、ようやく切断できました。
It's Tanabata today. The day the mythical couple can meet only once a year if it doesn't rain. But we have rain today. The calendar the old people used to use was a month different so July 7th is usually in the middle of rainy season.
We have a bamboo tree with tanzaku wishes hanging so we have a little feeling of Tanabata.
As writing, the woman sitting next to me at the cafe had trouble finishing her phone. The other end didn't end though she appeared to think she did, and the lady next to me had her phone on speaker so I can hear the noise clearly. With the young waitress's help, she was able to end the call.
I like this kind of personal communication rather than instructed phrases in a shop.