I wonder if any one here knows about Aomori Hiba. It's conifer and a cypress family (Thujopsis dolabrata).
I bought the products called Hiba Bakudan (Hiba Bombs) a few years ago. They absorb humidity and smell. You know, Japan is humid so we need things like these. I recently learned they worked as mold remover so bought hiba oil, sheets to put under carpets, soap dishes and hiba wooden chips.
I am planning to put the chips in the box where I store vegetables. One of the soap dishes will be in the bathroom since the current wooden soap dish we use has some mold. I will experiment if the tree really repels mold. If it fails, I shall use the metal one in the bathroom where we have the bath tab.
I'd been looking for nice oil for aroma, and accidentally found there was the hiba tree oil. Now we have several hiba products. I'd like to report here after a while!