もう一つは、頑張っているのは頑張っているつもりなだけかもしれない場合。わたしも経験したことがあります。体重を減らそうとして、最初は結構減っていたのに、同じやり方では効果が出なくなる時期。節制しているのにどうして? と思ったりもするのですが、よくよく自分の行動を見ていると、体を動かしていないだとか、ちょっとしたおやつを食べているとか、何かしら原因があるんですよね。
Even though you have been trying to lose weight, you have a plateau. There are a few reasons for that.
One is your body tries to be energy efficient since your calorie intake is less than before. The duration depends on the person and the time.
Another reason is you might be only thinking you try hard. I have experienced that. In the beginning, your weight goes down fine but the same way doesn't work anymore. You wonder why it's happening although you try hard. But looking carefully, you might be eating snacks or not active enough. There should be reasons.
If you follow precisely what you are told, your weight again will start going down. A plateau won't last forever. That's the key of weight loss.