
90歳のフィットネスインストラクター/90-Year-Old Gym Instructor

 先日、『徹子の部屋』に90歳のフィットネスインストラクター、瀧島未香さんが出演していました。90歳にして現役のジムインストラクター! 素晴らしいですね。筋肉は、わたしよりもずっとたくさんありました。



There was a 90-year-old female gym instructor on a Japanese TV show the other day. Her name is Mika Takishima. She is an active gym instructor at 90 years old! How wonderful. Her body was much more muscular than mine.

What amazed me most is her saying anyone can start working out at any age when asked if one wants to exercise at 90 years old. That is so true. Right this moment is your youngest. You can start working out any time. You can start with what you can do now.

She started going to the gym at 65. She hopes she wants to make people happy, and she did make me happy! What a attractive lady!