そこで、色んなものを少しずつ食べるのではなく、なるべくシンプルに、削ぎ落としたメニューを実行することを決意。そうすると、体重と体脂肪はどうなったか? また、改めて書きましょう。
This story is about me when I was on a diet.
My body fat rate went down quite well and apparently I was a skinny person, but I didn't achieve my goal so was still trying to lose weight and body fat rate.
My teacher pointed out I was eating too many kinds of food.
I was indeed eating bits of different kinds of fruit at a time. That was my "tendency" and it showed the desire I want to eat different things.
So what I tried to do was eating simple with a selected kinds. What happened to my weight and body fat rate? To be continued.