I haven't gone anywhere this summer due to the pandemic and work. I wanted to do something with a family so we went to the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo where was holding the special exhibit called Shokubutsu (Plants).
The poster of it has a rafflesia, the biggest flower, and I too was interested to see a model of it.
There were many kinds of plants both models and real ones with explanations. reminding me how little I knew about them. Big trees, flowers, little plants, the ones living under the water, or dessert. There was a comparison of drawing of the plants 300 million and 400 million years ago. The 300 million years ago things were so much bushier. We have what we have on the earth with the countless flows of time.
As we have a climate change, I feel we need to plant more plants in cities. Making more shadows by plants is important. If you pour out concrete on where there is no plan for a while to build but most places do that in Tokyo because you don't have to worry about picking weeds. But that makes the city hotter because of the sun reflection. If we had soil and trees for all empty areas, the temperature must change. I know once they have a plan, they will build something so that shouldn't be easy but at least if we could have soil and plants instead of concrete?
I'd like urban planning with that view.