もう一つ、環境につながるお話を今日も。東京の小伝馬町に、ヴィーガンのovgo B.A.K.E.R Edo St.(オヴゴベーカー)という焼き菓子のお店があると聞きました。置いているのは、スコーン、マフィン、クッキーなどのよう。
One more environmental story today too. In Kodenma, Tokyo, there is a vegan bakery called ovgo B.A.K.E.R Edo St..They seem to have scones, muffins and cookies.
I am not vegan but as written yesterday, I hope not to burden on the earth as much as possible. And I heard this shop carries tasty stuff even when you do not categorize this shop as vegan.
ovgo apparently is a place where you can refill water in your own bottle. I always carry a bottle so that's perfect in that matter too. I can cycle from home so sometime rather soon on a sunny day.