Boosting autophagy is considered good. First of all, your organs do not rest if you eat. Second, if you don't eat 14-16 hours, your body will enter autophagy, meaning begin reparing damaged cells and breaking down old cells.
16 hours is quite long. I think I don't have a day not to eat for 16 hours even including sleep, so if I want those days, I need to make it on purpose.
12 hours of not eating happens somewhat regularly, though. I often go to the gym without lunch so if I have lunch/ dinner around 4pm then breakfast at 5am, that's 13 hours.
I read many articles about autophagy this time. I saw some saying exercising after 12 hours of not eating. I have not exercised in the morning for the past years since I wanted to clean the house and relax, but maybe I should do 20-minute exercise in the morning.
It's good to review my patterns. Now I think I made a new goal.