For me, the king of cafes where I can stay comfortably is Komeda Coffee.
Most shops have power outlets, and sofas are comfortable. People working there are polite yet not only speak what's told, so there is communication. Their coffee is made for everyone to like. There are many elderly customers so nothing too sharp and unique is important for them to have coffee everyday as regulars. That's quite a great strategy.
I go to Starbucks often too. I like their coffee, and order camomile latte frequently too. The only thing is that they have hard chairs where they offer power outlets. I'd like to sit on a sofa when I don't need an outlet.
Yesterday I went to a cafe similar to Komeda to work after filming because I needed to make a report of what we filmed. I tried a new shop since it was right there after I got off the van. It was my very first visit, and there will be no second time, sorry. Their price was rather expensive but what I had didn't taste good. There are several cafes along a similar line of Komeda, and it might have been most disappointing... I will try another chain store or an individual cafe next time I use that station.