昨日、マンションのご近所の方に出会った時に、中秋の名月で、月がきれいだよと教えてもらいました。そういえばそうだった! と思い、家族で月が見える場所に移動して眺めました。
お月見団子を用意しておけば良かったなと思いながら、娘に、うさぎは何匹いる? と聞いてみたところ、遠すぎて見えないという答え。下の子は、本当にあそこでうさぎがお餅つきしているの!? と一瞬興奮していましたが、作り話だよと教えちゃいました。
When passing by my neighbor yesterday, he said it's Mid-Autumn Festival day. I forgot it, and the whole family moved to the spot where we could see the moon.
While thinking I should've bought some rice cake for the moon, I asked the daughters how many rabbits there were and they said it's too far to see. Our younger was excited for a moment because she believed there were rabbits pounding rice cake there. I told her it's a made up story, though.
It was the first full moon that night in eight years. Really relieving and beautiful when we don't know when to exit from this suffocating pandemic.