
子どもの権利/Child Rights

 子どもに対する虐待や性暴力の記事を読むたびに暗澹たる気持ちに襲われます。自分や地域は何ができるのかを調べていて、CAPというプログラムを知りました。CAPとはChild Assault Preventionの略でアメリカで始まったそうです。子どもに対しても身を守るための動画があったり、大人にはセミナーやワークショップを展開しているとのこと。




Whenever reading stories about abuse or assaults against children, I feel so gloomy. In the course of research what we can do as a parent or community, I found the CAP program. They develop programs for both adults and children to learn for child protection. I found other sources for children to watch. A few examples are this (Protect Yourself Rules - Secrets) and this (Always Changing and Growing Up). 

When I read stories of sexual assaults, I see very often children tend to think it's something they cannot tell their parents. They keep it inside (traumatic), and as they grow they understand more clearly what happened. They feel they are no longer clean.

Whatever happens, if they feel things they do not want to happen, it's really important for them to know they can tell any adults they trust. I've kept telling my own children about the private zone. They do not touch others' and I don't touch theirs, neither do other people. But some kids might think to keep it secret if an adult asks them to do so.

I'd like to learn about CPA and similar actions. Starting off with showing a few videos.