この会社は東京の東村山市にあるらしく、ナショナル麻布以外では見たことがありません。他にはどこに置いているんだろう? で、会社に問い合わせ、個人にも販売してくれるというリストを送ってもらいました。
I like Mexican foods but there are not many restaurants and they are rather pricey. Especially since I gave birth, I haven't gone to those restaurants much. Instead, when I find ingredients, I buy them.
My recommendation is the products from Valencia. I liked their products bought at National Azabu in Hiroo. They are tasty and there is no antioxidant used.
The company seems located in Higashimurayama, Tokyo and have never seen their products except for National Azabu. I inquired them and had them send me a list that they can sell to individuals.
I am not too familiar with Mexican foods so I have to look up what many of them mean. Once I figure it out, I will order.