コロナワクチンを打ち終わったら、次はインフルエンザワクチンシーズンですね。うちの子どもはコロナワクチンを打てる年齢ではないので、今年もインフルエンザワクチンを打つか、それともマスクをするから必要ないと思うか? 悩ましいところです。わたし自身も、この数年間はインフルエンザワクチンを打っていますが、コロナワクチンもブースター接種がありそうな中でインフルエンザも打つか? こちらも悩むところ。
After covid vaccines, here comes the flu vaccine season. Our children are not old enough to get covid vaccines so I am contemplating if I should get them vaccine for flu this year too, or it's not necessary to do it since we didn't have many flu patients last year because everyone wore a mask? Hard to decide. I have as well gotten flu vaccinated these years. Should I get it, or skip because I got vaccinated for covid?
I heard things go like this way that If you don't have many flu patients this year, you will have many next year. But last year, since our hygienic level went up by washing hands, gargling, and wearing a mask. There is a part of me thinking we will do the same this year so it won't be so bad...? Really hard.