This week is a filming week for me. Before the pandemic, we would film consecutive days because we had a crew staying in Japan from another country but now, since I gather a crew for a project, we don't need a hotel so I can spread days. I think this is the only good thing during the pandemic since fixing filming days is more flexible.
When I see different people to work with, I see the difference. Basically we are a group of craftspeople. A DP takes care of filming, a sound recordist takes care of sound, and I take care of our profiles and watch the whole team, but since there is usually a small number of people, I try to help each other when there is a lot to carry, for example, I help.
The driver I team up with also carries heavy bags without me asking. Some people do not do anything unless asked, and I usually do not say anything because we are grownup skilled people but I also think this person is such a person. If one is not attentive, he/she can not be attentive to the work.
Instead of saying much, I watch people. And I'd like to ask attentive people to join a project.