いただいたのはHIGH FIVE SALAD、クリスプ・サラダワークス、FARM TO GOです。どれもそれぞれ特色があり、美味しかったです。
Salad was popular during filming this time. There were a few people agreeing to eat light during the shoot so we ended up having salad at three shops on different days.
We went to these shops; HIGH FIVE SALAD、Crisp Salad Works、FARM TO GO. Each shop had different taste and I was happy with all of them.
This made me want to make salad so I've made salad a few times. I want to throw many ingredients so that I don't have to worry about nutritions. Vitamins and beta carotene from raw vegetables. Sometimes fruits like apples. Tuna, beans, and eggs for protein. I put a pumpkin in the salad yesterday. Also I always want to add nuts right before a meal since I love the crunchiness.
Let's see what to make next.