これを書いている時点では、まだ見ていません。特にここ数年大好きな役者さん、西島秀俊さんが主演で、内野聖陽さんのケンジも素敵で、なおかつ大好きなスピッツの最新作が主題歌! どうしても劇場でちゃんと観たい、と思っていたのです。
I am going to the theater to watch "What Did You Eat Yesterday?" based on the comic made by Fumi Yoshinaga. I have finally got my children's agreement to come with me just now.
I haven't watched it at this point. The actor starring is whom I've been into for the past few years Hidetoshi Nishijima while the other starring actor Seiyo Uchino, who plays a great role of Kenji. And the theme song is by Spitz, my favorite band! I really wanted to watch it in the theater.
I watched a few TV series episodes this morning to study again. Those stories bring me a joy.
The client I talked recently based in Singapore, native of Indonesian said he liked the TV series. There are not big things happening around them but how they are makes you smile and think you become a family as you live and eat together. I am so excited to go watch it.