I don't have any friends from the elementary school I still keep in touch. There is only one from the junior high school. Funny we were not that close when we went to the school but now we exchange nengajo (new year cards) and meet when I am in the area with some extra time.
There are three from the high school and college. I actually have more friends from more recent years since I started to work, maybe several. Some of them are not from Japan and they no longer live in Japan so we do not see each other so often at all, but the frequency doesn't matter for friends once grown.
I also find the meaning of the family transforming. The parents who raised me. Them being there for me. Starting a new family with my husband. My husband's family and relatives have become part of my family... this is a new sensation. Someone important for him is important for me. You can build that relationship without being married on paper. I just appreciate everyone who has exchanged something spiritually with me.