最近、北千住の魅力を伝えているこちらのサイト(100 stories)を好んで読んでいます。北千住は、我が家からだと二駅の距離。車ではそれなりに通り過ぎますが、とても近いというわけではないのであまり散策はしたことがありません。
I've read this site (100 stories) recently. It's the website introducing Kitasenju, Tokyo. It's two stations away from where I live and I pass by the town quite frequently by car but really haven't walked around since it's not too close.
But why not going there by bike? I actually cycle to Ueno often but not to the direction of Kitasenju. Where I like to go is not so touristy spots where there are many little individual shops to visit. Something making my everyday life happy. Where I can feel the vibes of young people wanting to do something new, and elderly people trying to keep the traditions at the same time. Where I can feel a culture and personality. Not generic, not worldwide brands.
Kitasenju looks quite interesting in that term. I think it was named a rising star town where people answered they want to live.
So far I'm interested the florist decora, cage-free egg shop daisy, sento with the small pool Nikonikoyu! It means you can swim there, right? I got to take my kids there on the weekend.