数年間、携帯電話のキャリアを楽天モバイルにしていたのですが、RAKUTEN UN-LIMITにした時からアプリの不具合や電話が鳴らずに留守番電話にすぐ切り替わる、ということが続き少しイラッとしていたのですが、昨年末から家にいるのにしょっちゅう圏外になったので、先日もう我慢できないとpovoに変えました。
I had been using Rakuten mobile for my cell phone but ever after switching to Rakuten UN-LIMIT, there was some trouble with the app and receiving calls that never rang. I was quite annoyed and in November or so, it started to make no bars when I was home. I couldn't stand it any more, and decided to switch to povo.
It's been still a short time since I switched but so far, so good. I am just so happy I have the bars (lol). I will have to see if it works outside Tokyo.
I bought 150GB that lasts six months. So it's 2200 yen/25GB/ month. I think this is enough. I still have another contract on Rakuten for the portable wifi and will continue probably for the time I need to use it, but for now, I will stick with povo for my phone.