
iPad mini6


 色々と調べて、第6世代のiPad miniを選択。これなら持ち運びもしやすいし、今まで紙で残していた資料を少しずつデジタル化しようというのが主な目的です。

 調べたところ、goodnotes5というアプリが良いようなのでまずこのアプリを購入。しかし我が家にあるapple pencilが接続できず、第一世代のペンシルは使えないんですね……。ということで第二世代を購入。また、書くときには紙の質感が欲しいのでエレコムのペーパーライクな保護シートにし、準備はおおよそ整いました。


As my children needed to take more online classes and have online assignments increased, I decided to purchase another tablet for the younger daughter. The one I bought for the other child is always used by her, so this time, I want to use one myself so I looked into it to buy the kind I like.

I decided to buy iPad mini6. This is light to carry and what I mainly want to do is digitalize my materials.

It seems like the app called goodnotes5 is good so I bought it. But I couldn't the apple pencil we had at home. No apple pencil1 for iPad mini, I guess? I purchase an apple pencil2 for it. I also wanted to have paper-like texture when writing so I purchase this protection film. 

I'd like to throw the old paper materials after digitalizing. It will take time but I will slowly take care of it.