ずいぶん前ですが、テレビで紹介されていた「米ぬかと有益微生物で作ったバイオ洗剤 とれるNO.1」を見て、また良さそうな製品だなと印象に残っていました。
It's been quite some time since I saw the product called Toreru NO.1, which is the detergent that only uses rice brans and bacterias beneficial microbes.
Seems like the microbes eat filth and the more used, the cleaner the Earth gets. Amazing, isn't it? I've wanted to clean the oily filth of the stove so looked up online to order, but all of them are out of stock after it was introduced on TV.
I cannot order yet but once it's ready I will. A small company in Osaka makes them. It makes me happy there are small companies making socially and environmentally good products.