
春休み/Spring Break


 そういえば、桜の開花が早まり続けているので、いずれ卒業シーズンにも咲かない可能性があるという記事を読みました。桜って、わたしが子どもの頃は、入学シーズンに咲いていたものでした。なんとか、温暖化を食い止めたいものです。戦争なんかしている場合じゃない! と声を上げたいです。

It's a spring break. I saw some posts online their kids graduated from an elementary school. Spring break for many of them from today. It's getting warm so they should have some chances to go out even though we are still in the pandemic situation. We are going to visit some relatives this spring.

Cherry trees have bloomed earlier in the past decades and they won't possibly be in full bloom around this time. To be honest, I used to see them bloom in the new school year time, which is two weeks later than now when I was young. I really hope we will stop the global warming. There is no time and space for us to have wars.