



 未だファックスがこんなに使われている国も珍しいのでは? まだ、取材の対応にファックスをと言われることがままあるので、こちらも当分は続きそう。毎回コンビニから送付してます。

I feel Japan is quite behind in terms of digitalization. For example, look at the government related website system. There are two types of sizes for the language to type and you can only use one type and if you have an alphabetical name from the countries you don't use Chinese characters, you have trouble. Or my German husband's name is too long to put...

I needed to buy a stamp called shunyu inshi (revenue stamp) for a contract renewal that the whole apartment has, and you need it for an official contract that you need to pay. It was only 200 yen but I needed to go to a convenience store to get a stamp, to place it on the paper. If you have an online contract, you don't need to put a revenue stamp. So why don't they switch to online contracts? Well it's public service and I don't think they have even started to discuss... Those revenues are actually a big resource of taxation so the government doesn't want to lose. 

Japan, the country who uses fax machines still so much, will hold on to physical papers. I am still asked time to time to send a fax when I talk about filming governmental institutes or shrines/ temples. Every time, I run to a convenience store!