知り合いから、健康のために痩せたいけどどうやって痩せられるの? と尋ねられました。
Someone I know asked me how to lose weight because she is concerned about health.
It's difficult to tell in a word about how I teach at THRIVE. The methods are not about only what to eat.
What to eat is important, of course. It's more important than exercising when you want to lose weight. But you need to pursue something more. Why do you eat when you don't have to eat? That's the key to the methods I offer because in that case, it's hard to get a rebound.
And it is difficult to explain how I teach to change the way you think about eating. I told her this diet would require a work to look at your habits. But to be honest, you just need to act to understand because that's what I did.
I had gradually gained weight for a few years because my metabolism was so messed up after a series of wrong trials of dieting. Once I tried, I lost more than 20 pounds in six months. If you are interested, just try, I'd say.