みんな近所で引っ越しているので、もう同じマンションではないといえ、会える距離なのが嬉しいです。それぞれ似た年齢の子どもがいて、一緒のマンションに住んでいた当時は乳幼児だった子どもたちが、一番上は今や高校生! 子どもの受験の話や家庭のこと、仕事のこと、いろいろ話ができました。
I had a coffee with my ex neighbors last weekend to catch up.
They both moved out of the apartment but still live in the same area. We all have kids at similar ages. They were all babies or toddlers at the time but now the biggest one is a high school student! We talked about entrance exams, our families, and work. We talked a lot.
There are still kids in our apartment, but we have a special bond with the people at the time. Don't know why. They are special to me.