5月上旬とはいえ確かに晴れていると外は汗ばむほどの気温の時もあります。でも、冷房はちょっと早いのでは? と思ってしまう寒がりの私です。特に、温度をもう少し高くしてもいいのではないかな。温暖化でエネルギー使用について気を遣ってもいいと思うので。
It's now the time for shops to have air-conditioning working. I need to wear my favorite silk leggings and a jacket even in summer.
It's still early May but we can sweat if sunny. But someone like me who gets cold easily, I feel air-conditioning now is too soon. I wish the temperature setting were a bit warmer. We are facing the climate change.