

 今度撮影をする人の本を読んでいます。その方は、地球人であることを軸として人生を歩んで来られました。私もその考えに深く同意します。たまに、ドイツ人の夫ってどんな感じ? と訊かれますが、私自身としては「ドイツ人だから」何かを感じると言うよりは、夫は夫という人間で、その人間としての個体に何を感じるかだと思うんですよね。一緒に暮らしていて、この人はドイツ人だからと思うこともないし。



I'm reading a book written by someone we will be filming. He writes in the book that he's an earthling. I agree with him.

I get asked sometimes what's like to have a German husband, but I feel like I see him as an individual. I don't really see him by his race. He says and acts because that's what he is.

He prefers bread and noodles to rice, but there are those people born and raised in Japan. So the concept of earthling fits in my idea too.

As reading the book, worldwide problems are interactive and you cannot really see them locally. If Japan wants to buy cheap material to make paper, we threaten another country's forests that could cause flood, for example. We involve each part of the world indirectly too in good and bad ways. And the book has full of those views. It's not easy but necessary.