
疎開の話/Evacuation During War


 その頃は食糧難なので、田舎では子どもたちが協力してアシナガバチの蜂の子を取っていたそうですが、その方法というのが、アシナガバチの好物である豚肉や鶏肉を外に置くというもの。まず、蜂が肉を食べるなんて知りませんでした! ミツバチ以外は肉好きだよ、とのこと。そして夢中になって食べている蜂の足に糸をつけ、糸を追って巣を見つけます。糸を追うためには50m間隔で人員を配置するのだとか。


I had a coffee with my neighbor I'm close with. He is from Tokyo. When he was a child, it was a war time so he evacuated to a countryside for some time.

They were chronically starving so the kids there would capture caterpillars of paper wasps. How they did was to leave pork or chicken outside, which is their favorite food. I didn't know wasps would eat meat in the first place! He says any wasps would eat meat unless they are honey bees. While them eating the meat frantically, the kids would put a thread on a wasp. When it goes back to the nest, they allocate children each 50 meters.

 The nest would be underground of a tree and they would smoke off wasps so that they would not attack them while they take a nest. Elementary school kids did it, can you believe? I am glad to hear a story during the war time.