今は、フォームローラーやボールを使ったほぐしを一回につき1.5時間くらいかけてやってたんですが、もう足と手の指をほぐしてからとっととコンディショニングワークに、と言われました。筋膜リリースも私にとっては体を真っ直ぐに整えるワークではあるので似たような印象なのですが、教えてもらったコンディショニングはもっとピンポイントで歪みをすぐに直す、ような感じかな? 例えば、私は右の股関節が緩いようで、右のお尻の筋肉がうまく使えておらず右だけ垂れています。それを、足の指を持って呼吸を入れながらいくつかの動作をしたら股関節が真っ直ぐになります。
I've been working on a filming project and will continue for a while. That's why I haven't been able to write the blog. I think it will stay like this for the next two months.
However, I have managed to make time to work on my body. I had a session with Keiko sensei yesterday. She said I don't have to do so much stretching with a foam roller and a ball anymore. After a short time of doing it, I can move onto conditioning work because my body alignment is much better now.
Up to now, I did 1.5 hours of myofascial stretching but the sensei said I can move onto conditioning work after stretching my fingers, hands and toes. Myofascial releasing is pretty much the same as conditioning work to me because the both aims to align a body. What she taught me was to align my body more focused, maybe? Because my right hip joint is loosened, for example, my right buttock dangles down since I cannot use the right muscle. I was holding my big toe to make some postures as breathing, it was fixed.
It's nice to step in a new phase. I still have rounded shoulders easily. I will continue to work on it too.