I have a sensitive skin. When living in the States, I had itchiness and a rash in year 3. Since marrying my husband from Germany, I have a rash face when I spend for about 10 days over there because of dryness.
I've also had a problem with cosmetic products from western countries so I stick to basic cosmetics made in Japan. And I'd like to recommend the sunscreen I've used since this summer.
I wonder if you know NOV skin care series. I had a very bad rash face a few years ago, my dermatologist recommended me to the line. I had used NOV UV lotion EX sunscreen for a while, but I tried another product called NOVIII Barrier Cream EX at LOFT, then someone said my skin looked better than usual on the first day of trial.
What I like it is there is no shininess with the Barrier Cream EX and its SPF is 45 while UV lotion EX is SPF32. So it's better to use on a hot summer day too. I can still cleanse my face with soap for the both products.
I almost used up a bottle this summer. Just ordered another one. I think I will continue to use it some more time.