We went to the farm I recently got to know with to harvest sweet potatoes. It was a tiny area to dig and quickly done, but I still had fun.
We were there digging for half an hour. Yielded 8kg. It would've been too much so I purchased 5kg as promised. Out of 5kg, I asked them to make dried sweet potatoes so brought 3kg back.
I was told to dry them outside for a week. Then I need to leave them inside the house where it's not warm. It will take a month before you can eat. They said you can eat earlier but ageing makes it much better.
We went to the hot spring that is new to us. It was very clean. They had many options for meals and this time, we decided on sushi on a belt conveyer. It's a chain place from Kanazawa and I had been to one of their branches in Ueno. They are not so cheap but taste quite good so all of us were happy although I felt my hands a bit swollen due to too much salt. I need to drink much water to detox.