例えば、わたしは人参を切る時、真正面に仁王立ちして腹圧を入れるように切っていました。腕の力は使わないでと言われているので、腕を使わないように、、、と思いながらも、絶対に腕に力が入る。なのですが、そういう時は少し斜めに構えて切るようにすると不自然な力が肩にも腕にも入らないということ。自分の体の使い方が上手な人は自然にそういう姿勢になるのでしょうが、わたしはそうではないので、言葉で言ってもらって初めて気づきました。そういうことなんですね! これをもっと意識するようにします。
There is something Keiko sensei has been telling me and I might have finally really understood.
Even though she aligns my posture during the session, my body goes back to the way how I use, which is, my shoulders are higher and curl inward. So I need to find a posture I don't have to use much strength in arms and shoulders.
For example, when cutting a carrot, I would stand straight. I know I should have loosen arms. The only part I need to have pressure is my body core, which is my belly. But I cannot help using my arm heavily because how I stand is not right. In that case, I would need to find a posture where I don't need to rise my shoulder. I need to stand slantingly in order to use my shoulder blade only. If you have a good sense of using a body, you can naturally do it but not me. I finally understood it when she said it. I think I can do better now.